Time To Talk

Today is Time to talk day! This day is about encouraging those suffering with their mental health to open up and have a conversation with a friend, family member or a colleague. 

Here at Solo Support Services, we encourage open conversation about all aspects of wellbeing. Our wellbeing team and mental health first aiders set out to identify wellbeing issues, mitigating their effects, and support people through difficult times, whether this is because of issues at home or at work. 

Why is Time to Talk day so important? 

One in four of us will experience a mental health problem every year therefore creating supportive communities, where those struggling can talk openly about their mental health, has the power to change lives. 

How can you take part? 

There are lots of ways to get involved from creating community events, organising an activity, or texting a friend or colleague. We all have mental health so let’s break the stigma and start a conversation today. 

To read more about Time to Talk Day, visit their website https://timetotalkday.co.uk/