National Stress Awareness Day

Wednesday 2nd November is National Stress Awareness Day.

Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don't feel we can manage or control. It can come from personal or professional pressures and can manifest itself in physical symptoms, such as headache, upset stomach or problems sleeping as well as causing anxiety or problems sleeping.

Whilst some level of stress is unavoidable in life, there are numerous ways to minimise stressing improve your own psychological well being, including:

Physical activity

Minimise time on your phone

Practice self care - make time for you

Reduce caffeine

Create boundaries and learn to say no

Spending time with friends or family

Eating a healthy, balanced diet

Deep breathing or mindfulness

We have a wellbeing team at Solo HQ who share tips and websites promoting healthy living. Employees will find information on wellbeing on the E-Handbook at their place of work.

Please also see the links below for additional information and tips,to%20our%20health%20and%20wellbeing.