National Safeguarding Adults Week 2021 - Payroll's Insight

For National Safeguarding week, we spoke with our Payroll Team to gain an insight into what Safeguarding means to them and how they feel about Safeguarding.

Ingrid Foster our Payroll Manager has shared her views with us on Safeguarding: 

What does Safeguarding mean to you? 

  • Safeguarding to me means everybody should have the fundamental right to live without fear of abuse, maltreatment, harm etc.

How does Solo Support Services make Safeguarding Personal?

  • Solo employees have regular Safeguarding Training and it is talked about frequently in the workplace. We have a procedure to follow if we have any safeguarding concerns and a visible Safeguarding Lead in the office. 

How do you feel to be an employee of Solo Support Services with regards to Safeguarding?

  • I feel Solo has given me a really good insight into Safeguarding issues. What to look out for, alarm bells, all the different ways abuse may occur from the subtle to the obvious. Safeguarding is not just about protecting children but protecting adults too.

Some of the Payroll team have also shared some insights with us:

“Everyone should be able to feel safe and protected and safeguarding helps us understand what to do and when and how. We receive regular training and updates, when there are concerns we can always talk to a safeguarding lead, all employee’s wellbeing is important and Solo makes sure everyone is looked after.”

“Safeguarding is empowerment, people being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent. Prevention, it is better to take action before harm occurs, proportionality, the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented. Protection. Partnership. Accountability. Safeguarding means protecting a citizen's health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It is an integral part of providing high-quality health care. I think Solo is a great company who promotes Safeguarding to the highest level and I am glad to be part of this.”

“Safeguarding means protection of children and adults to make sure human rights, wellbeing and healthcare is observed and rules are adhered to, to make sure individuals are looked after properly not exploited in anyway or mistreated Solo Support Services provides training for all staff to understand the importance of safeguarding. Solo is client specific, not one template for all! Solo has Safeguarding leads to offer advice if needed on case by case basis. I am proud to represent a company with clear safeguarding rules and policies, proud to work for such a person centric, caring company.”

“I feel that Safeguarding is very important it helps protect people for harm and the appropriate measures are taken if needed. This means individuals can live in safety free from abuse and neglect.”

Thank you to Ingrid and the Payroll Team for sharing their thoughts and insights with us.

Remember, if you are concerned about someone’s safety and believe they may be being abused, speak to your line manager or your company’s designated safeguarding lead. If you are concerned as a member of the public, you can find the correct contact details for your area by searching online ‘report a safeguarding concern for (an adult or child) in (your area)’.

Never assume safeguarding is someone else’s responsibility.